Monday, 29 July 2013

Student Blogs

Last term, we trialled the use of Student Blogs as a replacement for Learning Portfolios.  Personally, I found these to be a great way for the students to share their learning with their families.  We explored the use of several iPad apps to present our learning.  The challenges I faced were overcoming the samples that had always been paper orientated - ie the handwriting sample but by taking photos of current work solved this.
I would appreciate your feedback - both students and families (I even had comments from Aunts and Grandparents - some not even in Hastings).
Please click on the link below to go to our padlet wall to post your feedback.
Mrs Jackson

Student Blog Feedback


Our skills sessions continued with Gary today.  We still need to work on passing to our team mates.

Making squares

In Maths today, the challenge was to use sticks to make certain shapes and then move or remove sticks to make a new shape.  It was an interesting experience!

Term 3 will be yet another busy term in Room 5 with the following foci:
RE - Church; Sacrament
Maths - Patterns and Relationships; Fractions, Decimals and Percentages; Transformation, Position and Orientation
Writing - Persuasive; Explanation; Narrative
Reading - Comprehension Strategies
Theme - Life Education; Flight
PE - Hockey, Soccer, Cross Country, Athletics

Monday, 22 July 2013


Dear Parents,
All the students now have their speeches loaded with their assessment.
I was very impressed at how the students took up the challenge of researching their culture/country and then only writing keywords on their 3 cue cards.  There is a difference between presenting a speech and reading sentences from the cue cards.
The assessment sheet only marks the delivery of their speech not the content.  The first box is Seldom, followed by Sometimes and finally Always.
Mrs Jackson

Saturday, 20 July 2013


Dear Parents,
All students now have their Multiplication assessment loaded on their own blog (accessed using the link on the right hand side).  To share their learning, we have used the Explain Everything app.  This allowed the students to talk and write to solve the problems.  The questions given were relevant to the learning they had been doing in class.  I learnt that some students struggle to talk about how they solve problems.  Hopefully by watching your child's assessment you will get an insight into how they think.  Remember to comment positively on how they are doing.
Mrs Jackson

Friday, 12 July 2013

Flight Ideas


One of our Gospel Values is Responsibility.  This week we wrote an acrostic poem about what it means at our school and in our class.  This is Samuel's poem.

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Term 3 - Flight unit

Next term, Flight is our theme.  What would you like to do???
Click on the link below and add your ideas.
Mrs Jackson

Padlet wall

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Hockey Session 2

We began today with a warm up game like Seaweed. It was called Octopus and some of us used noodles to help us tag. Gary was trying to teach us about strategy.

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The second part of our session today was playing mini games. Half our team was on at a time and they had to score before the other half could swap with them. By the end of it, some of us were dribbling and passing the ball with confidence.

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

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YouTube Video

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Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Report Writing

We are currently working on report writing.  A report is written in the 3rd person and the purpose is to give information.  This information is grouped in paragraphs.  We are also working on using different sentence starters.

The dog belongs to the canine family.  There are numerous types of dogs.

Dogs look different depending on their breed.  They come in all different sizes and shapes.  Dogs are usually fluffy but some are not, like bull dogs.

Dogs always love to bark when someone or something enters there back garden or farm.

You can teach dogs all sorts of tricks like fetching sticks or bringing slippers and sitting when you say.

Dogs do things like bark, eat things under the tea table, fetch sticks and chew on shoes and slippers.

Dogs have lots of different jobs like labrador guide dogs for blind, a St Bernard for people lost on the hill, huskies for pulling sleighs, border collies for farms, chitzu for pets and german shepherds for the police.

Dogs are good pets and are loyal.  Dogs are man's best friend.

Samuel M

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Monday, 1 July 2013


We had our first hockey skills session with Gary this afternoon.
We started without the sticks playing Rob the Nest. The purpose was for us to be aware of those around us without crashing into them.

For the second round of Rob the Nest, the sticks were introduced. We really had to be aware of what was happening around us.

We finished our hockey session with a mini game. We need to work on spreading out and not trying to all get the ball. We should think about all we learnt during our basketball coaching and use that to help us too.

Mrs Jackson needs more practise filming us as she keeps getting the iPad cover in the way!

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Basketball against Rm 4

We were looking forward to playing Rm 4. All our team work paid off as we were victorious.

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Basketball against Rm 6

Today, we finished off our basketball coaching with games against Rms 4 and 6. Our first game was against Room 6. Each quarter saw a new team of 5 players from our class take the court.

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