Each Team Assembly, we acknowledge those students who have had a great week or done something extra fantastic during the week. Here are Rm 5s Achievers of the Week so far.
Week 2 Lily and Tiana Lily is our top speller and Tiana topped the Number Knowledge test |
Week 4 Te Mana-Potiki and Libby Te Mana-Potiki has the best setting out in his Maths book Libby has had a great start to the year and is determined to do well |
Week 6 Grace and Georgia Grace put 100% into completing the triathlon Georgia created an amazing shape poem based on a face |
Week 8 Dylan and Hana Dylan is producing some amazing literacy and numeracy work Hana showed great sportsmanship, playing in Rm 6s team and helping them at Scatter Ball |
well there done a great job in there work